OPG (Scotland) asks for directions from Glasgow Sheriff Court on Power of Attorney validity issue

This is from OPG Scotland’s website news section.

“31 July 2014

Update on Power of Attorney (PoA) Validity Issue

The Public Guardian has been made aware that the Clydesdale Bank has decided not to pursue its appeal against the decision of the Sheriff at Glasgow. The Public Guardian is conscious that the decision raised a number of issues, including that of the validity of the power of attorney in question. The Public Guardian is in the course of making an application to Glasgow Sheriff Court under s.3 of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 in order to obtain directions from the Sheriff on a number of those issues. The procedure to be followed by the OPG should give an opportunity for PoA validity issues to be fully explored. The Public Guardian does not expect to comment further while that application is pending.

Sheriff Baird’s Opinion can be accessed from this link.”

My earlier blog on this issue can be found here.

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